Family and friends are always welcome to come and stay with us in our home. In fact it’s an honor. However, we take no offense if they want to stay in an American style hotel in town with some of the comforts. I always have my look out for hotels and what they have to offer. Having air conditioning & a pool are major bonuses! At our house there’s no [Read more…]
Glamour Salon and Spa: A Very Special Place
I am asked all the time if there are places in Honduras to get your nails done. The answer is YES! Today’s post is all about a salon that can do it all. Glamour is where I will be going for my nails and so much more!
Glamour Salon and Spa is a tucked away gem here in our town. I had heard there was a very special place to get beautified but never checked it out – until now. On my journey, getting to [Read more…]
TrabajArt: Perfect Creations
It has been such a great experience walking around our town asking local businesses for interviews. When I decided to write on this theme I knew I wanted to take the time to interview at TrabajArt. It is an honor that the owner said yes!
TrabajArt is located right next to Zona Digital (check out the post). [Read more…]
Julio Verne: One Stop Shop
Do you need school supplies for the kids? Maybe some office goodies? At least twice a week each of my daughters ask for supplies used for a project or homework. I usually have to get more tape, scissors, and dry erase markers for myself because my girls use them or loose them.
Where to go to get project supplies and such? All I have to do is head to the center of town and walk into Julio Verne. I am never at a loss for the supplies I need. This Librería [Read more…]
What Is Your Vision: Art Classes For Kids
As a child did you ever want to learn to draw, paint, or just plain create? I know I did – I love my creative side! As my daughters are growing up it shows that my creative side, plus their Auntie Megan’s artistic side have for sure been passed down.
Alex Gomez: In This For The Long Haul
I am so excited to introduce the business owner that will be the center of today’s chat. He is young, has great vision, and dreams for the future. It was a great pleasure to get to know someone like that!
Alex Gomez is the young business owner of Zona Digital [Read more…]
Building and Remodeling: Hard Work Pays Off
A home business with no red tape! It is so much easier to start up your own company in Honduras. That is just what my husband did. He found a way to support his family even when the odds were against him.
When my husband return from the USA he had to really think hard how he was going to support his family of five. There are very few jobs. If you have the right contacts you might just be lucky enough to obtain that job. He graduated as a teacher, but lost anytime acquired by his employment when he left his [Read more…]
What Is Next: Local Great Businesses
I just finished up a month of blogging on topics for each letter of the alphabet. The A to Z Challenge was a great way for me to organize things I wanted to share. I now have to ask “What is next?”
I decided to jot down some [Read more…]
Y-is-for-Yamaha: Gas is Like Gold
Y-is-for-Yamaha: Transportation that helps save money. A moto lasts longer running errands on the lempiras that we put in the gas tank. Gas is like gold and we have to make that gold last as long as possible.
A gallon of gas costs about Lps 112. That is [Read more…]
V-is-for-Vaca: A Dairy Farm for The Future
V-is-for-Vaca: A main dairy & meat producer here in the department of Olancho. Milk cows help make our favorite cheese. Cattle provide for cookouts. Two things my husband loves!
[Read more…]