The adventure in the United States is coming to a close. Soon my youngest daughter and I will be reunited with the rest of our family! Such a wonderful feeling to know that all 5 of us will be under one roof!
It has been 9 1/2 months since we have all been able to share stories, hugs, and even our disagreements together without having to use technology to communicate. It has been a long road but very productive.
I was able to work and provide for our family. Lily was able to attend 1st grade and learn English. Dad and our 2 older daughters have been able to manage the household without Mom – which I am told they will gladly give that job back. I will gladly take it back. I know that job I do best!!
I love living in Honduras! We live with less and that makes life simpler. I worry sometimes that we do without. What mother and wife wouldn’t?! However, that’s not what it’s all about.
I will wake up the morning of July 1st and make pancakes for the loves of my life. I will hug them and tell them how much each is loved. Our family will be together and that makes life “Simple” and very GOOD!!!