E-is-for-Escuela: “School in another country,” they all said. Yep, that was exactly the plan. After moving to Honduras my daughters had to be enrolled in the escuela. Luckily the school that they attend is only a 5 minute walk from our house. I love it!
Public or private for your child’s education? Escuela – Policarpo Melara has students, both girls and boys from grades 1st-9th. It is a public school and as parents we are fine with that. We are not able to afford a private school, but I am not sure that would be the right choice anyway.
You are not able to home school legally here, so that was never an option. However, I do use other resources to help them be well rounded. Everything in life can be used to teach and that’s what I try to do. Street smarts, bilingual, multicultural combined with the “books” makes for a well rounded education.
Something I find great about the schools here is, no matter if the escuela is public or private all students wear uniforms. I think this is fabulous! No worries about clothes and what they will wear. No bullying about not having name brands. No trying on clothes in the morning for them to be left on the floor since they changed 10 times before leaving the house. We all know what I mean by that.
The normal uniform consists of a white top, blue pleated skirt, white socks, and black shoes. They are not allowed crazy, wild earrings or hair accessories. Each school may have different styles and colors for their uniforms. Most public schools are the same as my daughters; that I am aware of. The gym uniform sports a while t-shirt that has the school logo, blue pants, and white gym shoes. Btw, all my daughters are required to wash their own uniforms. This a great teachable lesson!
There are things we all miss about the schools in the USA. However, keeping family together is more important – that is the ultimate lesson I can teach my hijas!
What type of school does your child attend? What country do they go to school?
my kids went to public schools- in retrospect I should have sent them to private school or else home taught.
My son goes to the local private schools…sadly the public system here can be hit and miss. The school fees aren’t too bad and he loves it. He is indeed a trilingual, multicultural, much travelled 11 year old who is currently baking a cake while I blog hop, so I can’t complain.;)
Loving the A to Z Challenge Maggie@expatbrazil.