For the last two weeks my oldest daughter and I have been in the States. Our travels began in Honduras on February 14th. We get the privilege of visiting family & friends until March 12th. A whole 28 day adventure for mother and daughter to share for years to come.
It has been two and a half years since Emily has been able to come back to see the other country she gets to call “home.” You can say we are living it up. Eating all the food (that is not good for us) that we want and then some. Visiting places that we have called home and still can call home in our hearts. Spending quality time with those that love and miss us. Not to mention staying up late playing games, watching movies, and chatting. I love to see her face light up while experiencing all these events. We are creating new memories that will last a life time.
Emily is missing a month of school. She will have a lot to make up when she gets back but the trip really is a classroom itself. We didn’t plan for her to miss that much school. The tickets were just cheaper for this time frame. We couldn’t afford the higher price to take a shorter trip, plus that just didn’t seem to make sense. My husband and I decided that each child needs to come back to the states to visit. Since it’s expensive to take all the girls at once, I am taking each daughter one by one. That way each girl gets their very own individual time with mom and with those we are visiting. You see they really are very special girls. They get to call two countries – HOME. I believe that they are lucky to love two countries and for two countries to love them!
The whole experience on this trip really has been great! We will be making the last two weeks just as special. There are still many more family and friends to visit, more great food to eat, and even more great memories to create.
it’s good for girls to see another people and countries it’s a good experience.
you rigth my friend,its really good experience for them,they can learn erverthing good,also they have chance to see second home.its awesome…..
but important thing is they can vizit any time when they want,probeble some day they wanna stay in state…
i like it….
We had a great time visiting with you two. So glad that you get to come back with the girls. Won’t be long before we see you again.
Hopefully you had a safe and uneventful trip home, we love and miss you.